Readme File for the Midsummer Knights Dream module, version 1.08 for Neverwinter Nights: This adventure is is a sequel to the module Midwinter Festival, and a character exported from the conclusion of that module should be used for this game. The character should be a ninth or tenth level character. The game will automatically level all characters up to tenth level, for balance purposes, so if your character is ninth level he/she will gain some experience before beginning this module. A new tenth level character may also be created, but it is recommended that Midwinter Festival is played first because 1) certain story elements are continued in this sequel, and 2) items gained in Midwinter festival may be used in Midsummer Knights' Dream. For those that have not played the first game, or have forgotten some story elements, the characters try to remind you of certain aspects when you prompt them. The adventure has been carefully balanced as a single player game, and should provide a lengthy and challenging adventure with about fifteen hours of game play. The adventure takes place primarily in the desert region of Yylarium. There is significant story development, with around 70,000 lines of dialogue. Please be aware that this adventure also includes many challenging combat situations, where thoughtful use of tactical combat and use of the items you find throughout the game are essential for victory. A Spoiler section is provided at the end of this Readme, and you may reference it during play if you require assistance. This module requires Neverwinter Nights with the Shadows of Undrentide expansion (SoU) version 1.32. The adventure takes place in the desert emirates of Yylarium. The game world is based upon the Tryman Lands campaign, which is my own creation, based upon over twenty years of "pen and paper" gaming. Troubled times are plaguing the desert city of Yylarium. An unnaturally harsh winter and prolonged drought concern a populace fearful of thirst, starvation, and the possibility of war. With political tensions running high, the PC must take sides in a fierce internal struggle to determine who will be the next ruler of the desert Emirates. The PC becomes reacquainted with Kama, a Knight Panther who is first encountered in Midwinter Festival. For this module, it is intended that Kama is treated as a traveling companion, and not merely as a henchman/henchwoman. She will have valuable contributions to make to this adventure once she is asked to join you, and she provides much of the motivation for the module Midsummer Knights' Dream. There are three major nations on the continent, from which a character may have his/her origins. These are: The Rankan Kingdoms to the far north, whose Norsemen have a mixed Celtic/Viking heritage, and The Eastern Desert Emirates, with a nomadic tribal culture, and the Empire of Thyatis which is an imperial nation to the south, visited in Midwinter Festival. Humans are dominant upon the continent. Elves and dwarves are infrequent visitors to the Empire, while gnomes and halflings are even far less common. For character creation, you should also consider the following deities: The Desert population primarily worships one of three deities: Ra, the god of light; Osiris, the god of life and growth; and Bast, goddess of home, the hearth, and animals (cats in particular). It is recommended that even if your character is not from this area originally, he/she may gain some affinity for one of these three deities and express that affinity during game play. Norsemen worship other deities of Nordic and Celtic origin, including the Storm God Wodin. This choice will not come into play much during Midsummer Knights' Dream. Arcane magic is rare, due to the disappearance of the ancient wizards some time ago. Thus, wizards and sorcerers are somewhat rare, and one should not expect an abundance of items for these character classes. However, the ancient wizards did create many items of power that are still in use in society. Thus, there are magic items to be found, while perhaps somewhat more rare and varied than those found in other campaign worlds. The game is designed with equal emphasis on roleplaying and combat. The adventure is non-linear, especially in the early game, and therefore many areas can be explored and quests performed in any order. However, it is recommended for players to reference the journal sorted by Priority, which will assist one in understanding which quests are most appropriate to undertake first. Calendar time is more important to this module than most adventures. You can monitor the current day, month, and year, by holding your mouse over the "clock" at the bottom right of the user interface. This is standard with Neverwinter Nights, though seldom used. The adventure begins at the end of the Midwinter Festival and runs through Midsummer and beyond. Traveling will advance the clock in some cases, so please be aware of the passage of time and the current day and month. There are two poems provided within this game, both of which have been written by Marc Price. These are reserved for use within this game, and cannot be used or distributed outside of this module without the consent of this author. Finally, this adventure is designed to be highly challenging. It is strongly recommended that you take some precautions to fight intelligently, and to frequently use items that you may acquire during the game, including potions and other unique items. You should also consider buying more of these items when the opportunity presents itself. I hope you enjoy the game, and please remember to vote on this adventure and provide feedback! Comments, questions, and bugs can be reported to Thanks and enjoy! Marc Price Updates for this version (cumulative) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed a small problem with tower puzzle Fixed trigger to ensure midnight key is given Updated to SoU version 1.32 Osiris dialogue given only once Fix hospice cellar door at midsummer Minor updates to dialogue Corrected some additional typos Updated west test for Salamander favor Updated northeast desert for Kama's trigger Updated election trigger for midsummer Replaced "remove journal entry" function Enabled respawn during final battle Enabled heal spell to affect bedouins Fixed rare timing bug with start of election ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************Spoilers********************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * These spoilers are presented in the order they may be encountered: General Help: . . . . If you decide to help Venom in the Underground Tunnels, the Salamander will offer you a favor. This can be redeemed in many different ways. For example, if the PC has difficulty with many of the ***spoilers*** listed below, the Salamander can help with one of these in exchange for redeeming his favor. It is recommended for game play purposes for the PC to use this favor system before reading any of these spoilers below. However, if you still want the ***spoilers***, read on... Before you can leave Yylarium to travel the desert caravan route: . . . . make sure you have visited the Delegate's Hall, each of the Temples, and the Desert Palace, which can be accessed by speaking with Raol in the Temple of Ra and asking him for help seeing the Grand Vizier Rashid. If you have trouble finding a way into the Midnight Fortress: . . . . are you sure you want to read this? Check with the Salamander. If you still want to know: There is a secret entrance into the fortress that can be detected in the alcove northwest of the cliff wall, if your search skill is sufficient and you search carefully. If your search skill is not high enough, the Salamander can provide Venom's help to you get into the fortress. Alternatively, there is a magical helm that will enhance your search and spot skills significantly enough to find the entrance. This magic helm can be found in a crate in the wizards' spire, located in the northwest area of the desert. For general help with battles: . . . . First of all, use strategic areas located throughout the game to minimize the number of foes who can attack you at one time. If they "gang up" on you, battles can be very difficult. But often foes can be fought one or two at a time, if the PC retreats. Make sure you use all the potions and special items made available in this game. Buy plenty of potions from the bard in the bazaar or the Priest of Ra, and use control over Kama's inventory to supply her with plenty of healing potions as well. There are many different items that can reduce damage in various ways once they are found as well. These include Potions of Ether, Stoneskin, and the Golden Statuette, all available later in the game. These should be used to reduce damage from hard hitting opponents, in addition to Soldier's Brew and other standard buff potions and spells. For help defeating the clay golem in the Midnight Fortress: . . . . the golem cannot be harmed by piercing weapons. Use other weapons, such as blunt weapons, and you should not have any problems. If you have trouble finding all of Osiris' parts: . . . . the parts are located respectively in these areas: in the east, the Asabi have one in their temple, the Bedouins of Sethentia have one, one is in the Midnight Fortress; in the west, the sphinx has one, and the dragon has one. The other two must be accessed via the airship, once it is repaired and the magical flight crystal is found. One is accessed via the seacoast, and one is accessed via the castle on a cloud, which the dragon can describe for you. If you have trouble accessing the Western Delegates: . . . . don't worry about accessing the western delegates until after you've restored Osiris. Once this is done, the Salamander can be helpful with this task if you still have a favor. Otherwise, approach the tent again and you will meet someone unexpectedly that can help you find your way inside. Raynor in the bazaar is selling a delicious raisin and date tart. If you have trouble accessing Esseban's estate: . . . . visit the hospice first, to ensure Esseban is at the party. If you can pickpocket his key, you may try this. Otherwise, since he's not home you can break into his estate. Don't worry about the damage to his door. He deserves it anyway. If you have trouble with the final battle: . . . . See the general advice about battles above. Don't try to take on the whole army at once by yourself. Use damage resistance techniques as described above. Use all means available to buff up your saving throw capabilities, including potions or spells such as bless, the ring that can be found in the emissary's home, and other spell resistance magic. Avoiding those tough spells is the key to success in this battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------